If you are researching family history in Bosbury, this website has the information
given on the parish registers up to 1959. From 1837 the General Register Office
Index Books are available to search online for the GRO reference number (volume
& page number) with which you can order copies of birth, marriage and death
certificates (http://www.gro.gov.uk). Here is a summary of
what information the index and certificates provide. Note that indexing errors do exist
and that the original registration books are still held at local Register Offices.
Birth, marriage & death information
on the GRO Indexes
- 1 July 1837 - introduction of General Civil Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths in
England and Wales. Formation of the General Record Office under the Registrar General. Indexes
were created quarterly with births and deaths listed by the quarter when they were registered
but marriages listed by the quarter when actual date of the marriage fell.
- 1875 - more rigorous enforcement of compulsory registration of a birth with a fine of 40s.
if not registered within 42 days. Compulsory registration of a death had to be within 5 days
- 1984 - from now on GRO Indexes are organised annually
Birth Index
- July-September quarter 1837 - index shows quarter when birth was registered, surname of parent, name (if any)
or sex, registration district and reference number (volume+page)
- Pre-1875 - an estimated up to 15% of births NOT registered as there was a 7s.6d.charge for registering after 42 days
- Jul-Sep quarter 1837 to Oct-Dec quarter 1865 - all forenames in full
- Jan-Mar quarter 1866 to Oct-Dec quarter 1866 - only first forename, subsequent initials
- Jan-Mar quarter 1867 to Apr-Jun quarter 1910 - first two forenames in full, subsequent initials
- Jul-Sep quarter 1910 to Apr-Jun quarter 1911 - only first forename, subsequent initials
- Jul-Sep quarter 1911 to Oct-Dec quarter 1965 - also includes mother's maiden surname.
- Jan-Mar quarter 1966 to Oct-Dec quarter 1983 - first two forenames, subsequent initials, mother's maiden surname
Marriage Index
- September quarter 1837 - index shows quarter when marriage took place, full name, registration district and reference
number (volume+page). Legal age for marriage is 14 for males, 12 for females
- Jan-Mar quarter 1866 to Oct-Dec quarter 1866 - only first forename, subsequent initials
- Jan-Mar quarter 1867 to Oct-Dec quarter 1911 - first two forenames in full, subsequent initials
- Jan-Mar quarter 1912 - surname of spouse added
- Jan-Mar quarter 1912 to Jul-Sep quarter 1962 - if female was previously married, index also shows her former married surname
- 1929 Legal Age of marriage increased to 16 for both sexes
Death Index
- September quarter 1837 - index shows quarter when death was registered, full name, registration district and reference
number (volume+page)
- Jan-Mar quarter 1866 - age added (may be estimated)
- Jan-Mar quarter 1866 to Oct-Dec quarter 1866 - only first forename, subsequent initials
- Jan-Mar quarter 1867 to Apr-Jun quarter 1910 - first two full forenames, subsequent initials, registration district and reference number
- Jul-Sep quarter 1910 to Jan-Mar quarter 1969 - only first forename, subsequent initials
- Apr-Jun quarter 1969 to Oct-Dec quarter 1983 - first two full forenames, subsequent initials, exact date of birth replaces age
Birth, marriage & death information
on Certificates
Birth certificates from 1837
- Includes date and place of birth, full name, boy or girl, parent’s full names,
mother’s maiden surname, father’s occupation, name / relationship /
residence of informant, date of registration
- 1969 - parents’ place of birth added
- 1984 - mother’s occupation added
Marriage certificates from 1837
- Includes date and place of marriage, names and addresses of bride and groom, ages,
status (batchelor, spinster, widow, widower), occupations,
fathers’ names and occupations, signatures of witnesses
Death certificates from 1837
- Includes date and place of death, name, sex, age at time of death, occupation, cause of death,
signature / description / residence of informant, date of registration
- 1875 - relationship of informant to deceased added
- 1969 - date and place of birth added replacing age
Sources: For further information, internet sites include www.gro.gov.uk, thegenealogist.co.uk, findmypast.co.uk, and
professionalfamilyhistory.co.uk. Accessed May 2013.