If you want to try your hand at creating a Tapa Puzzle
this last page has a blank board (with a few example cells added). If you View Source Code on you browser, you can copy and paste
it into a simple free text editor such as Notepad++. Then you can add your numbered cells like this.
You need to go to lines 34 to 42 which list the 9 rows of the puzzle. 0,0,0,0, means a grey cell, 1,0,0,0, means a white cell with
number 1 in, 3,2,0,0 means a white cell with numbers 3 and 2 in it and so on. You would very rarely put 4 numbers in a cell, as only
1,1,1,1, would work, but the programme allows you to put this in any cell if you wanted to.
If you Screen Copy the answer as a 450 x 450 picture you can then save it as 'answer.jpg'.
You need to save three files on your computer to run the programme — tapa-blank.html (with your puzzle added)
tapa.js tapa.css
Have fun!