Tapa Puzzle - 3

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This Puzzle

This particular puzzle does not have any single number squares so all cells have at least two white cells next to them (counting the numbered squares as white). However the black cells still all link together across or up/down to make a continuous wall.
As before the answer is given further down the page. There may be other answers but I haven’t discovered them yet. This is the last puzzle in the series.

If you want to try your hand at creating a Tapa Puzzle this last page has a blank board (with a few example cells added). If you View Source Code on you browser, you can copy and paste it into a simple free text editor such as Notepad++. Then you can add your numbered cells like this.

You need to go to lines 34 to 42 which list the 9 rows of the puzzle. 0,0,0,0, means a grey cell, 1,0,0,0, means a white cell with number 1 in, 3,2,0,0 means a white cell with numbers 3 and 2 in it and so on. You would very rarely put 4 numbers in a cell, as only 1,1,1,1, would work, but the programme allows you to put this in any cell if you wanted to.

If you Screen Copy the answer as a 450 x 450 picture you can then save it as 'answer.jpg'.

You need to save three files on your computer to run the programme —   tapa-blank.html (with your puzzle added)   tapa.js   tapa.css

Have fun!



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