SuDoku Puzzle

SuDoku  (originally Number Place) is a logic game which is very popular in Japan and became a newspaper craze in the UK in 2004/2005.   more info   To get you started a simple 5-minute puzzle is set up above.

How to Play The puzzle is to complete the 9 x 9 grid of boxes by putting in numbers 1 to 9 with each number appearing only once in each row, each column and in each 3 x 3 box.  You need to use logic not maths. to solve the puzzle.  Click on a box to choose it, then click a red number key to enter that number in the box.   The Erase button can be used to correct mistakes as you play.  Use the grey strips above each box as a notepad for typing in numbers that could be in the box just below.  You can add or remove these numbers as necessary.

Puzzle: sets up three puzzles, number 1 is average (around 20mins), 2 and 3 are hard (up to 40 mins each)
Random: sets up a completely random new puzzle
Clear: clears the board so that you can enter a puzzle taken from elsewhere. When a puzzle setup is complete, click on Lock to fix the numbers on the board. Note: It is difficult to make up a new puzzle as there should be just one answer
Lock: locks all numbers on the board (colour turns from red to black)
Unlock: unlocks all numbers on the board (colour turns from black to red)
Restart: resets the board to the start layout or to a later locked position
Hint: highlights a cell worth studying!
Solve: displays the solution in case a puzzle really defeats you! A last resort.
Save and Retrieve: use a cookie to remember a puzzle position for up to a week.
Novice: if you are a beginner, this makes the puzzle stop any illegal entries. Click again for play where you are free to use any number.

Now you’re experienced why not try the SuDoku-X puzzle?

Or are you ready to move up to Master Sudoku?
go to previous menu